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- The ARexx scripts included with this distribution of Scion are the work of
- Scion users. If you wish to discuss these scripts or make suggestions, please
- contact the authors directly.
- Please note that ALL scripts are supplied AS IS, and no guarantees are made.
- Note also that some of the scripts that involve a graphical user-interface
- may require the use of additional libraries (not supplied) and may be designed
- for PAL video screens only.
- The following scripts are included:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Age.rexx
- This script should tell you the Age of a person in the SCION database.
- It does expect the date to be in the format DD MMM YYYY but as long as
- the year is the last 4 characters, it will give you an age within 1 year.
- The database must be running for this AREXX script to work.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Anniversary.rexx
- This script will tell you what Anniversaries occurr on a certain date.
- There are two forms to the date, DD MMM which will give Anniversaries
- on that date ONLY and MMM which will give ALL Anniversaries of the Month.
- All Anniversaries are checked: Birth, Death, Burial and Marriage.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dump-Fam.rexx
- Version 1.1 93/08/31
- Dump the database by family, one line per family.
- Author: Ralph L Vinciguerra, 460 Summer Ave, Reading, MA 01867, USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dump-Ind.rexx
- Version 1.1 93/08/31
- Dump the database by individual, one line per person. This can be sorted
- with the Amiga command: sort from filein to fileout colstart 24
- Author: Ralph L Vinciguerra, 460 Summer Ave, Reading, MA 01867, USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FamilyGroup.rexx
- This program should make a Family Group from the Families in the SCION
- database. The database must be running for this AREXX script to work.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FamilyList.rexx
- This program should LIST ALL the Families in the SCION database. The
- database must be running for this AREXX script to work.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FixLastNames.rexx
- This script should FIND and REPLACE a given LAST name in the SCION
- database.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FixPlaceNames.rexx
- This script should FIND and REPLACE a given PLACE name in the SCION
- database. It will check Birth, Death, Burial and Marriage place names.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GEDCOM2Scion.rexx
- Version 2.11 (23 May 1995)
- This program was created to import GEDCOM data into the Scion database.
- It is still very basic, which means it will only be able to parse the
- most basic GEDCOM files, and I can't even guarantee that it will handle
- these correctly...
- This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires
- a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library)
- If you do not have these, you need to supply the NOREQ argument (for
- Shell output), or the QUIET argument (for no output at all).
- Even though this script does no parsing of dates, it's safer if they are
- in the exact format "DD MMM YYYY".
- All unrecognized fields or fields that Scion doesn't use, are skipped.
- The database must be running for this AREXX script to work.
- NOTE: The program generates a file DATABASE.err (where DATABASE is the
- name of the GEDCOM file read), in the directory where the GEDCOM file
- is located. This .err file contains parsing info about which lines were
- skipped and which non-fatal errors were encountered. It may be a good
- idea to read this file!
- FAMS and FAMC fields, and EVEN structures will always be skipped,
- because I use another method of establishing family (spouse & children)
- relationships. If no relationships are established, this probably means
- that the imported file does not support that other method. If you
- encounter such a file, please send it to me, and tell me what program
- generated it. If this happens a lot, I will add support for the parsing
- of these relations in a future version.
- Author: Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Help.rexx
- Version 1.12 (12 June 1995)
- Just a simple menu, for those who can't remember under which function
- key they have stored a certain function.
- This script will output a requester on the Scion window, in which it
- will display the current settings of Scion's function keys.
- It requires a version of Scion Genealogist >= 4.04, as well as
- rexxreqtools.library, which in turn needs reqtools.library (>=2.0)
- and rexxsyslib.library.
- For this script to be of any use to you, you will have to add the
- NewHelp.rexx command to the list of function keys that you have set in
- the ScionPrefs program (eg. under F1 or F10).
- Author: Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- (plus minor modifications by Robbie Akins)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Links.rexx
- Version 1.15 (23 May 1995)
- ARexx script to find unrelated family trees in the database
- It will detect all family trees within the database that have no links
- (spouse, parent or child links) to other present family trees.
- This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires
- a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library)
- If you do not have these, change the line 'usereq = 1' to 'usereq = 0'
- Author: Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PeopleList.rexx
- This program should LIST ALL the people in the SCION database. The
- database must be running for this AREXX script to work.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PersonInfo.rexx
- This program should print out information about a person in the SCION
- database. The database must be running for this AREXX script to work.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PrintDescendant.rexx
- Version 2.00 (2 Feb 1995)
- Output options:
- 1. Descendant Chart - all descendants [Dutch: parenteel]
- 2. Descendant Chart - male descendants (mention daughters, no children)
- [Dutch: genealogie - nageslacht van zonen, maar vermelding dochters]
- 3. Descendant Chart - male descendants (leave out daughters)
- [Dutch: stamboom - nageslacht van zonen, geen vermelding dochters]
- This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires
- a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library)
- If you do not have these, you need to supply the NOREQ argument (for
- Shell output), or the QUIET argument (for no output at all).
- As of v2 of this script, and Scion V4, the current person on Scion's
- Personal Window will be used to determine where the search starts.
- Scion 3.13 can still be used, though, in which case the user will be
- asked at which IRN he wants to start.
- Author: Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PrintPedigree.rexx
- Version 2.00 (2 Feb 1995)
- Output options:
- 1. Pedigree Chart - male ancestor line only [Dutch: stamreeks]
- 2. Pedigree Chart - all ancestors, no siblings [Dutch: kwartierstaat]
- 3. Pedigree Chart - all ancestors, only siblings of last generation
- 4. Pedigree Chart - all ancestors, all siblings
- This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires
- a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library)
- If you do not have these, you need to supply the NOREQ argument (for
- Shell output), or the QUIET argument (for no output at all).
- As of v2 of this script, and Scion V4, the current person on Scion's
- Personal Window will be used to determine where the search starts.
- Scion 3.13 can still be used, though, in which case the user will be
- asked at which IRN he wants to start.
- Known Bugs/Problems:
- - This script is dog slow for large databases (ie. more than, say, 10
- generations), even on Amigas with a Turboboard!
- - Incorrect results may be returned when there are persons in the
- database whose sex-field has value '?'
- Author: Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Scion2GEDCOM.rexx
- Version 2.11 (23 May 1995)
- This program was created to export the Scion data into the GEDCOM file
- format. It is still very basic.
- This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires
- a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library)
- If you do not have these, you need to supply the NOREQ argument (for
- Shell output), or the QUIET argument (for no output at all).
- Dates should be in English, and in the format "DD MMM YYYY",
- "DD-MMM-YYYY" or "DD.MMM.YYYY", if you don't want any problems with
- programs importing the GEDCOM data.
- The database must be running for this AREXX script to work.
- Author: Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Scion2Guide.rexx
- Version 1.00 (24 June 1995)
- An ARexx script to make ".guide" hypertexts from Scion Genealogist
- databases. It will create not only a "guide" based representation of
- a family tree, but will also provide buttons to note files and pictures
- as long as the notes and pictures are in the same directory as the
- database.
- Friendly warning: You'll need lots of disk space for the output!
- This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires
- a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library)
- If you do not have these, you need to supply the NOREQ argument (for
- Shell output).
- Inspired by and derived from "Scion2html.rexx" by Harold H. Ipolyi (see
- below). Also with assistance from Freddy Ariës.
- Thanks for doing all the HARD work, guys!
- NOTE: This is version 1 and requires a lot more work. Especially
- support for the new fields available with Scion version 4,
- and to remove some redundant code.
- Author: Robbie Akins
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Scion2html.rexx
- Version: 5 July 1995
- ARexx script to make html hypertexts from ScionGenealogist data bases
- **** NOTE FROM ROBBIE AKINS: This ARexx script from Harold Ipolyi also
- generates a text file containing virtually ALL the data from the
- database (including note files) in an excellent text format.
- New: now includes PICTURES culled from PP{IRN}.DBNAME as inline links
- (please see PP & FP Notes)
- Prerequisites: ScionGenealogist V 3.13 (or greater) by Rob Akins
- html viewer (Mosaic, etc.)
- also: (to incorporate and display pictures:)
- GfxCon V1.6 (or greater) by Dirk Farin (in Sys:Tools)
- Amiga OS 3.0 (or greater) for picture datatypes
- WHY? others in my family don't have Amigas
- ScionGenealogist by Rob Akins is easy to use, comprehensive,
- and provides Arexx ports for extracting data.
- An ARexx script can repeatedly and painlessly recreate
- html files from entries in a ScionGenealogist data base.
- Mosaic, etc are available common methods of presentation.
- TESTED: on Amiga3000 Kickstart v.37.175 Workbench v.38.35
- & Amiga3000 Kickstart v.40.68 Workbench v.40.42
- w/ ScionGenealogist V 3.06 & Mosaic1.2NoNet
- w/ ScionGenealogist V 3.13 & Mosaic1.3betaAmitcp
- html file compatibility tested on Sun NCSA Mosaic
- and IBM PC Netscape.
- Author: Harold H. Ipolyi, P.O.Box 891206, Houston, Tx 77289-1206, USA.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Soundex.rexx
- Version 1.00 (3 Feb 1995)
- Program for Scion Genealogist 4.0 and above (no guarantees are given
- for lower versions). This program should ask the user for a (last)name,
- and output the list of names in the current Scion database that match
- the entered name, using the SOUNDEX method of name comparison.
- Scion Genealogist must be running for this script to work.
- For those who don't know what SOUNDEX is, it is a search method that
- looks for persons based on the way their surname sounds, rather than
- the way it is spelled.
- Author: Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Tafel.rexx
- This program should show the Ancestors of a person in the SCION database.
- The database must be running for this AREXX script to work.
- Author: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Translate.rexx
- Version 1.30 (23 May 1995)
- You may have noticed that setting another language in Locale means that
- the date (month) fields of your database are no longer recognized
- correctly. This is where Translate comes in.
- It will convert all the standard language fields in a Scion database (in
- v4.0+, that means the Date fields) into another (predefined) language.
- Currently only Dutch, German and French are supported, and only
- translation to and from English is possible. Adding other languages
- is easy, though.
- This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires
- a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library)
- If you do not have these, you need to supply the NOREQ argument (for
- Shell output), or the QUIET argument (for no output at all).
- Author: Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unrelated.rexx
- Version 1.00 (25 Apr 1995)
- ARexx script to find "unrelated" people in the database.
- That is, it will locate all those people who have no parents and who
- have no marriages recorded (and hence cannot have any recorded children)
- This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires
- a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library)
- If you do not have these, change the line 'usereq = 1' to 'usereq = 0'
- See also Links.rexx by Freddy Ariës
- Author Robbie Akins
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following note is from the author Freddy Ariës:
- The new versions are now able to use the ReqTools.library, and default
- to that, if you have rexxreqtools.library (No, these libraries are not
- included here, because it would make the package too large, but they are
- freely distributable and should be easy to obtain).
- If you don't want the scripts to use requesters, you can (apart from editing
- them and making them default to no requesters) pass the command line option
- 'NOREQ', in which case normal text output to the Shell shall be used. Note
- that the previous option 'NOMSG' has been renamed to 'QUIET' (matching
- Commodore's own commands). It still does the same - output no messages at all,
- neither by shell nor by requesters. So using 'QUIET' *and* 'NOREQ' is useless,
- and even impossible; if you pass both options to the program, only the first
- option passed will be used. The second option will simply be ignored.
- Please don't use these scripts as examples of good programming in ARexx!
- They were all just quick hacks for myself, never really meant for public
- distribution. Apart from bad programming, they may also be full of bugs.
- These scripts are released to the Public Domain and are entirely without
- guarantees, so you can do with them whatever you want - at your own
- responsibility.
- As I said, these scripts are Public Domain. That means that you can do with
- them whatever you want. All I ask of you is to name me as the original author.
- NO WARRANTIES! I do not take the responsibility for ANYTHING, including,
- but not limited to, the loss of data caused by any of these scripts.
- Everything you do with the scripts is your own responsibility, and at your
- own risk.
- Freddy Ariës, Lindeboomweg 7, NL-7135 KE Harreveld, The Netherlands.
- 2 Mar 1994